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The purpose of the program to plant one million trees around the areas of Penang Island is to protect and restore natural ecosystems, bring greenery to the community, and enhance environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
The program involves all stakeholders, including government departments, government agencies, the private sector, corporate members, mosques, places of worship, schools, universities, higher education institutions, NGOs, CBOs, and individuals regardless of age, race, or religion.
Participants can register by visiting the website, clicking on the moving banner titled "Planting One Million Trees in Penang Island for Earth Day 2024", clicking on the registration button, and proceeding with filling in the information.
Yes, you can. However, the trees must be planted in the state of Penang (Penang Island and Seberang Perai).
Participants are allowed to choose from 60 species of trees listed in the registration form (in Google Form), which can be obtained from the website These trees come from various categories including fruit trees, ornamental trees, flowering trees, herbs, mangrove trees, and forest trees. The listed trees are commonly found and planted in residential yards and public areas.
Pictures of the trees are included in the registration form, which can be obtained from the website
Additionally, participants can choose trees from other species and specify their preferred tree species. The selected trees must be woody and planted on the ground. There is no limit to the number of trees that can be planted.
Participants can obtain these trees at nurseries near your home. Alternatively, you can contact the phone numbers of nurseries listed on the website Please discuss the price to get the best offer.
To qualify for the calculation of one million trees in this program, you cannot plant these trees in flower pots. All tree plantings must be done in the ground within the vicinity of the State of Penang (Penang Island and Seberang Perai).
a. How to plant - Participants can prepare the site in advance, we recommend ordering trees and cleaning the site starting from February 2024. Digging holes or creating trenches for tree planting can begin on April 1, 2024. Tree seedlings to be planted should arrive at the transit area or home yard by April 15, 2024. Tree seedlings should be distributed to the planting locations no later than April 21, 2024, and placed directly into the prepared holes or trenches, but not filled. Tree planting can begin from 12:00 a.m. on April 22, 2024, until 11:59 p.m., one minute before April 23, 2024, by pushing the soil around the seedlings that have been provided at the sides of the tree seedlings to be planted, either manually or using machinery. Participants are requested to take pictures, videos, and upload them to the platform provided. We ask for the cooperation of all participants to send pictures and videos of participation on April 22, 2024, as proof of planting. All planting evidence will be validated by the Malaysia Book Of Records team and the TYT Penang Charity Foundation team.
b. Who will plant - Participants, volunteers, and workers hired by participants to assist. Planting can be done using machinery or appropriate tools.
c. When to plant - Tree planting can begin from 12:01 a.m. on April 22, 2024, until 11:59 p.m. on April 23, 2024, by pushing the soil around the seedlings that have been provided at the sides of the tree seedlings to be planted, either manually or using machinery.
d. Planting location - Own home yard or land permitted by the owner.
e. Action plan for the One Million Trees Planting Program in a Day in conjunction with Earth Day 2024.
15-second video from an angle that shows tree planting taking place should be taken during the planting on April 22, 2024. Fill in the basic information and upload it into our app.
Sending the video and filling in the basic information is required to be audited by the Malaysia Book Of Records auditors online and on-site as evidence of actual planting.
Only one video, lasting 15 seconds, is allowed to be uploaded to the provided platform.
Yes, there is. Participants can register by visiting the website, or, click on the moving banner titled "One Million Trees Planting Program in Penang Island for Earth Day 2024", click the register button, and proceed with filling out the information.
Yes. Details are as follows:
For tree donors or participants who purchase and plant trees, a Tree Planting Certificate will be issued in their name or in the name of the organization donating the trees.
For volunteers participating in tree planting, a participation certificate will be issued to the organization or NGO they represent.
You need to provide these trees at your own cost and capability.
Yes, the official launch of the "1 Million Trees Planting Program for Earth Day 2024" was held on January 22, 2024, at the official residence of the Governor of Penang.
No notification. Participants can proceed to plant at their convenience, anytime between 12:01 a.m. on April 22, 2024, and 12:00 a.m. before April 23, 2024.
If participants are in a group representing any organization, please follow the planting instructions provided by the organization, but it must be on April 22, 2024.
Please note that trees must be planted simultaneously, not in stages before April 22, 2024.
Participants may plant outside office hours, either before or after office hours.
However, if participants receive permission from their department heads, they may plant within the designated exemption period, but it must be on April 22, 2024.
The trees planted must be at least 2 feet tall/long (not tree seeds) from ground level.
You may. Please specify the name of the tree in the form, and the tree type must be woody.
We would like to emphasize that anyone participating in the One Million Trees Planting Program in a Day will certainly be making history as this is the first time such a program is being organized in Malaysia.
In addition, the TYT Penang Charity Foundation will issue planting certificates or participation certificates according to categories as explained in paragraph 11 above.
The overarching vision to be achieved in this program and its benefits to the people are as follows:
a. The production of fruits by schools, communities, and welfare organizations will increase the self-sufficiency level (SSL) and enhance food security. 10 species of fruits and 10 species of herbs.
b. Beautification along main roads, pocket parks, tree banks, and forest parks are established through this program. 30 ornamental trees.
c. Greenery brings happiness, and countries worldwide have begun measuring the happiness index as a gauge of improving quality of life. Malaysia has been ranked 55th on the World Happiness Index (WHI) 2023 Report with a score of 6.012 (happiness index ranges from 0 for unhappy to 10 for happy), ahead of Indonesia and China ranked at 84 and 64 respectively. In 2022, Malaysia ranked 70 out of 149 countries. The highest is Finland with 7.8 and the lowest is Afghanistan with 1.86 points. Source: WHI report.
d. Protecting and restoring natural ecosystems.
e. Enhancing environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
f. Increasing awareness that trees are a natural resource and asset to communities. One large tree can provide a day’s supply of oxygen for up to four people. Trees also store carbon dioxide in their fibers, helping to clean the air and reduce the negative effects of CO2 on our environment. Greenery brings happiness, food security, and increases self-sufficiency level.
Based on the calculation by the Malaysia Green Technology Corporation (MGTC), these 1 million trees planted, when matured, after 5 years, are capable of absorbing 40,000 tons of CO2e per year.
Therefore, the combination of benefits from this program, which includes protecting and restoring natural ecosystems, bringing greenery to communities, environmental sustainability, social, and economic benefits, signifies a virtue or charity extended to humans, plants, and animals.
This program can also create a lasting environmental conservation impact in our country, and this effort indirectly contributes to environmental sustainability, compliance with ESG requirements, and SDG 11.